Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Prevent Malware Attacks by Anti-Exploit Protection Crystal!

Are you one of those who like to download a file from the internet whether it be video, image or document? And are you not worried about the malware that may exist on the file you are going to download it? Most antivirus programs do you have only to identify and prevent malware that will break into the system at PCmu. But what if there is a new malware that has not been found?

Do not worry because Gratismu will give new security for the files you download. Crystal Protection Anti-Exploit is a program that functions just like a tool like any other penyaringan.Tak the CAEP is no scanning, no virus or the database is also signaturs.

As with any filter, the program will filter out or prevent the malware masukknya brought downloadmu file. By the time you will start downloading automatically CAEP will block the file. After the Connection Monitor displays a notification if you are allowed to download or not. If you are not allowed, then the file will not run and you can avoid malware that might threaten the system PCmu.

With the memory monitor this program can reduce the amount of exploitation. COM / Active X Monitor more standard Active X component can filter per application via either black or white. But still there is shortage of CAEP is that this program can only monitor 32-bit only (64 bit on windows).

There are also other masalahan when you use this CAEP, when you open the application Microsoft Outlook in conjunction with the CAEP will cause crashes, but only with a single click you can mengakirinya but is still annoying and you have to do it again.

If you want to try this software, please download here
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